by John Mullinder | Aug 10, 2023 | Authors, Canada, Deforestation, Ethics
The goal of journalism is supposedly to search for the truth, and journalists are meant to both research and present as many sides of a story as possible. This sometimes does not happen. A case in point is the article I commented on back in March[i] When does...
by John Mullinder | Jun 15, 2023 | Authors, Canada, New Zealand, plastic reusables, produce bags, Single-use bags
It seems like we will be debating the relative environmental impact of paper, plastic, and reusable shopping bags forever. But we still need something to transport those goods home somehow. I have been using reusable cloth bags to carry all my groceries for years now....
by John Mullinder | Apr 24, 2023 | Authors, Media
I said goodbye to an old friend and colleague this month. It was hard entering the room with both of us knowing that this would be the last time we would trade insults and crack bad jokes together. And even harder closing with a couple of final strong handshakes and a...
by John Mullinder | Aug 1, 2022 | Authors, Canada, Ethics, Journalism, Media, Publishing
I pride myself on being a pretty straightforward, tell-it-like-it-is sort of person. That’s my self-image anyway. And I can normally spot a skunk when I see one. I was recently somewhat stunned, however, to discover the depths to which some people will stoop to...